Great podcasts

There are so many podcasts out there and it often takes time to find something you can really connect with. To help you, I’ve created this post to introduce some of my favourite podcasts that reflect what I explore on the site.

The Tim Ferriss Show

It’s simple, Tim Ferriss interviews top performers in various fields to uncover the tips, tricks and practices that really make a difference. He’s a great interviewer and there’s so much you can learn from each episode.

I really like his style and the way he nurtures natural and sincere conversations.  

He also shakes it up with Q&A shows and specials, where former guests often take over. I usually end each episode with a number of notes to myself and I’ve learned so much from these interviews.

It’s been going a while as well, so you can quickly dive in and find people who appeal to you. His website will also help you search through.

Three easy things you’ll get from The Tim Ferriss Show:

  • Plenty of actionable ideas

  • Inspiring stories

  • Great life lessons

I listen to the Tim Ferriss Show as I always pick up something I can put to use.

The CultCast

A great way to keep up with what Apple are doing. The CultCast is hosted by Erfon Elijah, who brings a lot of energy into everything. He’s also joined by the Managing Editor of Cult of Mac, Lewis Wallace and writer Griffin Jones.

This is the perfect way to catch up on all the big Apple and tech stories and just listen to some engaging conversations.

You’ll feel like you’re sitting down with friends for a casual chat when you get into this show. Some great apps and gadgets are also suggested, and there are plenty of laughs along the way.

The show has been expanded to an additional video format, so you can also catch it live on YouTube. I’ve been hooked on The CultCast for over a decade now, so it’s definitely one I can recommend.

Three easy things you’ll get from The CultCast:

  • The latest Apple news

  • Engaging conversations

  • A lot of funny moments

I listen to The CultCast as it really is the best half-hour (ish) Apple conversation you’re going to hear, all week long.

Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Such a useful show. Cal Newport is an academic and author I always listen to. He’s written one of my favourite productivity books, Deep Work.

This show goes beyond deep work and focusses on a deep life.

You’ll find endless ideas that should change the way you work and lead you to a life based around what you value. This is all unmissable.

He talks about the things we all need to hear. This show will encourage you to remove distractions and share plenty of suggestions of how you can plan ahead.

You can also watch the show on YouTube if that’s easier.

Three Easy things you’ll get from Deep Questions with Cal Newport:

  • Expert advice

  • New ideas you can use

  • Inspiration to make changes

I listen to Deep Questions with Cal Newport as it always moves me to somewhere better.

Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind

Richard Wiseman is a magician, author and psychologist. He’s someone I strongly suggest you discover. In this show, he’s joined by science journalist Marnie Chesterton to answer questions from the public.

Each episode explores a fascinating subject that will really open your eyes.

You’ll find out so many new things. It’s all essential and will really get you thinking.

As I’ve said, I’m a huge fan of his work and this show doesn’t disappoint. They are also joined by guests on some of the episodes and you can even get in contact with your questions. It’s amazing

You really need to follow this one.

Three easy things you’ll get from Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind:

  • Interesting stories

  • Fascinating facts

  • A deeper understanding

I listen to Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind as it’s just so interesting. You’ll learn a lot.

Masters of Scale

This show is all about entrepreneurship, innovation and growing ideas. It’s essential if you’re even remotely interested in learning how to grow a business, or simply an idea, into something special.

Masters of Scale is presented by Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn, and he’s joined by expert guests every episode.

The best thing about this podcast for me is the production, as it uses sound effects and voiceovers to really bring everything to life. It’s always a compelling story that presents an important message.

You’ll also be presented with plenty of suggestions to help improve the way you work.

Three easy things you’ll get from Masters of Scale:

  • Valuable lessons

  • Impressive production

  • Advice that could make a difference

I listen to Masters of Scale as I always come away inspired.

The Greg McKeown Podcast

An essential podcast. Academic and author Greg McKeown shares so many great ideas and always prompts you to really consider what’s being taught.

It’s all about achieving remarkable results without burning out.

You’ll find a great mix of episodes. They range from interviews with guests to key lessons you’ll want to hear. I’ve found those that focus on conflict resolution invaluable.

There are usually two episodes each week and they are often split up into separate parts. It’s so easy to take in. You’ll also be encouraged to go off and teach these ideas to other people, to really help you learn.

Three easy things you’ll get from The Greg McKeown Podcast:

  • Encouragement to examine things

  • New ideas

  • Helpful stories

I listen to The Greg McKeown Podcast as it’s just so helpful.

Business Wars

Epic rivalries are brought to life in a truly unique way. Coke vs Pepsi, Pizza Hut vs Domino’s and Netflix vs Blockbuster are among many others explored on this very special podcast.

Each rivalry is explored in its own season of episodes, and brought to life like a radio play.

The host, David Brown presents everything perfectly and he’s one of the best podcasters I’ve ever listened to. He can pull off so many voices and he really makes you feel like you’re listening to an audiobook. Each season is also finished off with an interesting interview with an expert.

It’s definitely worth diving in, even if you just pick out the rivalries you can relate to. I’m sure you’ll soon see why Business Wars is worth your time. A Business Wars book is also available.

Three easy things you’ll get from Business Wars:

  • Some great stories you need to hear

  • Valuable lessons

  • Important warnings about what can go wrong

I listen to Business Wars as it’s such a great production.

Business Movers

This is the perfect companion to Business Wars. Like that show, it delivers multi-episode seasons that explore success stories. It also shares the same polished production style that makes both of these podcasts so special.

Previous seasons have focussed on inspiring individuals and organisations, such as George Lucas, Starbucks and Steve Jobs.

Business Movers delivers immersive stories and then wraps up each season with a conversation with a guest who’s familiar with the subject.

The host, Lindsay Graham is a truly great broadcaster. If you ever want to present something, you just need to listen to him to see how it’s done. The quality of each episode is just captivating, and you can’t help but be taken along on the journey.

I really like the way this podcast covers some of the people and organisations that have been already been explored on Business Wars. Somehow, it always manages to deliver a fresh new take on the subject.

As you may have guessed, I can’t recommend this and Business Wars enough. I love the way you can just dip into the bits you’re interested in if you’re busy.

Three easy things you’ll get from Business Movers:

  • An inside perspective

  • Insights you can use

  • Plenty of motivation

I listen to Business Movers as every episode inspires ideas.

Psycho Schizo Espresso

This is a great podcast. It’s presented by Dr Kevin Dunston, an Oxford psychologist and author and Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maiden frontman, airline pilot and world-class fencer. Trust me, they are people you want to listen to.

Every episode is just full of amazing new ideas and insights.

There are some very interesting guests. They range from academics, other rock stars and ex-members of the special forces. It’s just great to listen to these people.

Psychology is the main focus of the show and it’s just so interesting. I think it’s worth listening to just for some of Bruce’s stories. You can’t help but be impressed by all the amazing things he’s packed into his life.

Three easy things you’ll get from Psycho Schizo Espresso:

  • Great conversation

  • New ideas

  • Things that will amaze you

I listen to Psycho Schizo Espresso as every episode is just fascinating. The show is on a break at the moment, but it’s worth catching up on the existing episodes.

Time & Attention

This show is brought to you by one of my favourite authors. Chris Bailey is joined by his wife Ardyn to bring you some lovely conversations that can really help you.

Each episode explores a subject you need to know about.

I really like this show. There’s a sharp focus on productivity and a number of the shows feature guest interviews with other authors. These include some of my other favourites, such as Cal Newport and David Allen.

The episodes are around half-hour and this works well. I think they are both great hosts and you’ll soon get used to these cosy conversations. It’s also easy to listen to a couple of episodes in one go if you need to catch up.

Three easy things you’ll get from Time & Attention:

  • Comfortable, cosy conversation

  • Helpful tips and advice

  • Plenty of motivation

I listen to Time & Attention as it shares so many great ideas. 

So, these are the shows that get five stars from me. I hope this helps and that you find at least one great podcast you can settle down with every week. It’s worth checking back as well, as I keep this post updated and add new shows I discover.


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